Johnson Controls Communication Driver is intended for data connection between Reliance's runtime software and Johnson Controls devices – 9100 series (DX9100, SC9100) and FX series (FX15, FX07). Communication with devices is based on the request–response principle. The driver is launched by Reliance at the start of a visualization project.
Please Log In Log In. Terms of Service Privacy Notice. 2021 Johnson Controls Johnson Controls. The JC N1 (Johnson Controls) OPC Server robustly provides the user with connectivity to a Johnson Controls Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. This is done through communication between the HVAC system and separate network control modules (NCM) using the N1 Protocol.
These are the driver's main benefits:
- Faster communication thanks to communication packet optimization
- Improved diagnostics thanks to communication packet visual display
- Allows for a simulation of selected tags during runtime
The basic communication functions:
- Reading/writing current data (inputs, outputs, programming modules, expansion modules, etc.)
- Reading/writing the device's system time
- Reading/writing time programs
- Reading/writing holidays
- Reading/writing DST (daylight saving time)
Communication with a PLC is provided via the RS-232/485 serial link.
Johnson Controls programmable logic controllers
Starting up the driver
The communication driver is a DLL loaded into memory by the Reliance 4 Driver Server program, which can be launched either as a Windows service at Windows startup or as a standard application at the start of a visualization project. Information required to make a connection with devices is read from the visualization project. After reading this information, communication to all connected devices is activated.
Reading data
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Data is read periodically or based on a one-shot request of Reliance's runtime software. One-shot reading is used, for example, for tag-controlled data reading or time program data reading. When reading periodically, the tag value is updated at a configured interval. Communication packets are built dynamically according to data quantity requirements.
Synchronizing the system time
The driver allows for a regular or controlled setting of the device's system time.
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Johnson Controls components
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In relation to adding Johnson Controls Communication Driver to the range of communication drivers, two new components are now part of Reliance:
Johnson Controls – Time Program
This component allows for reading time programs from the Johnson Controls device, editing and writing the programs back to the device. Each time program can be copied, pasted and duplicated. Both program settings and descriptions can be saved on the hard drive where it is available for further use (e.g., in another device). In each component (time program), up to 8 events can be defined.
Johnson Controls – Time Program
In each device, up to 8 time programs can then be used. The definition of a time program consists in determining an hour, minute and day of the week on which the resulting command should be activated. The component will process the given data and generate the data to be sent to the device.
Johnson Controls – Holiday Program
This component is intended for reading, editing and writing bank holidays back to the Johnson Controls device where the defined holidays can also be saved on the hard drive for further use (e.g., in another device).
Johnson Controls – Holiday Program
In each component, up to 27 holidays can be defined. The definition of a holiday consists in determining the start and the end of the holiday. The component will process the given data and generate the data to be sent to the device.
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